Thursday, May 31, 2018

The Truth And The Power Of Network Marketing Small Business Needs

This particular blog article about network marketing is put on this site because most anyone who visits this site is, I presume, an "entrepreneur", a business man or woman.

However considering that, I find that it so sad that far too many people have a very "wrong" misconception of network marketing and it's just tragic to me how much people are being cheated out of a better life for their families due to a lack of Education or simply a bad experience, possibly with the wrong company or the wrong sponsorship.

If one job does not work out, do you quit looking for another job?   Of course not, you can't, you have to survive!

Network marketing, is truly the most AMAZING concept ever created!

If you will allow yourself to be open-minded for just a few minutes I would love to share with you why, maybe you'll hear something you have not heard before.

Network marketing is the best of all worlds, it's very simple but it's also very powerful!
Network marketing is also about so much more than just making money!

Network marketing changes so many lives in so many different ways because of how people grow spiritually, mentally and the incredible relationships that are formed and personal development!

In a nutshell, all network marketing is is just another business platform that allows you to earn an very significant income.

More millionaires have been created with network marketing than any other industry out there anywhere!

Network marketing is the only thing that you could literally pay as little as $30 one time out of your pocket and could work it into earning Millions!

Network marketing is 70 years old and is being taught in universities worldwide including Cambridge of London and Harvard Business School and yet it still has this very mysterious negative stigma attached to it.

For those unfortunate disbelievers, it is still viewed as taboo.

People don't realize that there are scams,  thieves and businesses of all kinds collapse every single day, (i.e., restaurants, Banks, doctors offices, crooked attorneys, Hollywood celebrities, athletes, etc.),  they are ALL business brands.

People spend tens of thousands - hundreds of thousands, sometimes Millions to get started into some kind of business venture  working 60-80-120 hours a week only to lose it all!

Why is it that so many people would risk a fortune trying to make something work and having to owe that money back to someone at three times the rate with the interest on top of that yet suspect evil and failure with something that cost pennies on the dollar with the same potential to earn as much and far, far more money with much, much less effort?

I find it so tragic and sad that network marketing is indisputably, profoundly biblically  supported by TONS of "scripture" that support network marketing and yet as the Bible says "people perish from a lack of knowledge", it is so true in this case.

There is so much unnecessary suffering and poverty that absolutely does not need to be for as little as $28 one time out of your pocket, just to name a few incredible opportunities out there!

People won't believe in, have faith in or trust a life-changing opportunity for the cost of going to dinner one night out of their entire life - that does absolutely nothing for their life, that they probably cannot even afford to do, but will slave for 40 plus years, nowadays, until they die because they cannot even afford to retire.

As the Bible also says "strength in numbers" is powerful and the "mustard seed" talks about a tiny little mustard seed that you can barely see that grows into a tree, just three of the scriptures of so many that support our industry and if people would only just listen and believe and have faith and come together with all of our powerful strength in numbers, people who all need the very same thing worldwide, which is Financial Security to live a dignified life, we would all be so blessed!

But we so often turn away God's blessings because we just refuse to see them!

Julie Williams,
Turn your life around