Thursday, May 31, 2018

The Truth And The Power Of Network Marketing Small Business Needs

This particular blog article about network marketing is put on this site because most anyone who visits this site is, I presume, an "entrepreneur", a business man or woman.

However considering that, I find that it so sad that far too many people have a very "wrong" misconception of network marketing and it's just tragic to me how much people are being cheated out of a better life for their families due to a lack of Education or simply a bad experience, possibly with the wrong company or the wrong sponsorship.

If one job does not work out, do you quit looking for another job?   Of course not, you can't, you have to survive!

Network marketing, is truly the most AMAZING concept ever created!

If you will allow yourself to be open-minded for just a few minutes I would love to share with you why, maybe you'll hear something you have not heard before.

Network marketing is the best of all worlds, it's very simple but it's also very powerful!
Network marketing is also about so much more than just making money!

Network marketing changes so many lives in so many different ways because of how people grow spiritually, mentally and the incredible relationships that are formed and personal development!

In a nutshell, all network marketing is is just another business platform that allows you to earn an very significant income.

More millionaires have been created with network marketing than any other industry out there anywhere!

Network marketing is the only thing that you could literally pay as little as $30 one time out of your pocket and could work it into earning Millions!

Network marketing is 70 years old and is being taught in universities worldwide including Cambridge of London and Harvard Business School and yet it still has this very mysterious negative stigma attached to it.

For those unfortunate disbelievers, it is still viewed as taboo.

People don't realize that there are scams,  thieves and businesses of all kinds collapse every single day, (i.e., restaurants, Banks, doctors offices, crooked attorneys, Hollywood celebrities, athletes, etc.),  they are ALL business brands.

People spend tens of thousands - hundreds of thousands, sometimes Millions to get started into some kind of business venture  working 60-80-120 hours a week only to lose it all!

Why is it that so many people would risk a fortune trying to make something work and having to owe that money back to someone at three times the rate with the interest on top of that yet suspect evil and failure with something that cost pennies on the dollar with the same potential to earn as much and far, far more money with much, much less effort?

I find it so tragic and sad that network marketing is indisputably, profoundly biblically  supported by TONS of "scripture" that support network marketing and yet as the Bible says "people perish from a lack of knowledge", it is so true in this case.

There is so much unnecessary suffering and poverty that absolutely does not need to be for as little as $28 one time out of your pocket, just to name a few incredible opportunities out there!

People won't believe in, have faith in or trust a life-changing opportunity for the cost of going to dinner one night out of their entire life - that does absolutely nothing for their life, that they probably cannot even afford to do, but will slave for 40 plus years, nowadays, until they die because they cannot even afford to retire.

As the Bible also says "strength in numbers" is powerful and the "mustard seed" talks about a tiny little mustard seed that you can barely see that grows into a tree, just three of the scriptures of so many that support our industry and if people would only just listen and believe and have faith and come together with all of our powerful strength in numbers, people who all need the very same thing worldwide, which is Financial Security to live a dignified life, we would all be so blessed!

But we so often turn away God's blessings because we just refuse to see them!

Julie Williams,
Turn your life around

Friday, March 16, 2018


In sales you are taught that if a prospective customer tells you "No", they don't want your product, that it has nothing to do with you, and  not to take it personally, it's just not the right time for them with your product.

It is absolutely possible that a person may just say no and have absolutely nothing against you at all and that they sincerely just don't have the need for the product or the money for the product at that time.
This could very well be true, but on the contrary, it DOES have EVERYTHING to do with you!  But DON'T START PANICKING, YOU'LL BE OKAY!


Whether a prospective customer purchases from you or not, you should always approach with the attitude of putting your best foot forward.  Build a rapport with them in just 3-5 minutes!

Many times a person will buy from you even if they don't like or want the product JUST BECAUSE THEY LIKE YOU and want to help you and support you!

OR, if they're not ready to buy it because they don't have the money OR they don't need the product at the time, they will absolutely remember you and COME BACK TO YOU when they are ready!

If you take just a few minutes to build some kind of a friendly rapport with a prospective customer, that very few minutes of time invested in THEIR interest will pay off for you in the future!

When you approach with a professional, friendly behavior and skill, YOU'LL NEVER FEEL SELF-CONSCIOUS about rejection because you're confident in knowing that they DID NOT reject YOU, they sincerely are just not ready for your product or service at the time but when situations in their life change, sometime down the road, they may very well be ready and THEY WILL REMEMBER YOU when they are!

When you establish yourself as a professional and an authority who knows your product and how to work with people and build relationships, you will go far and they will come looking for you!

God bless!

Julie Williams


Someone you know needs this!


Take a quick look at our main website "$18 Dollar Freedom" and see how we are changing lives and giving new hope every single day!

I work with the ABSOLUTE BEST income opportunity in the world that teaches financial literacy!  BEFORE YOU JOIN ANYTHING ELSE - give me an opportunity to tell you why!

For more information, click on the link "$18 Dollar Freedom" and watch the amazing 6 minute video on the main website - and then contact me ASAP!

Our family of partners / teammates are exploding this opportunity for all involved! We are changing lives!

If you would love to work together as a team, with a true income solution to help you with your financial difficulties, contact me, Julie Williams ASAP!

#makemoney, #makemoneyonline, #home based business, #makemoney, #workfromhome, #FourCorners, #FourCornersAllianceGroup

Monday, March 12, 2018


Well, if you want to do it with a J.O.B. and be controlled and have virtually NO TIME FREEDOM of your own,
OR be self-employed as a doctor, lawyer, dentist, pharmacist or engineer, Etc., Working 60-plus hours per week, with having to manage employees and tremendous stress, with no retirement plan if you have not invested well after you stop working, these all require 12 - 15 years of education that takes many people 30 or more years to pay back!
Or you could be an IT manager, marketing manager, or financial manager that also requires specific college degrees and very advanced knowledge, also working 60-plus hours per week with virtually NO TIME FREEDOM.
That ONLY $100,000+ career that does NOT require you to go back to school is SALES!
NOTE - The BEST sales people make FAR MORE than the average doctor or lawyer.
Sales has ALWAYS been the only high paying career option that does NOT require YEARS of schooling!
So, if you want to achieve financial freedom, either GO BACK TO SCHOOL or START SELLING.
And the EASIEST way to start “selling” is with Network Marketing!
With my particular opportunity that cost just $18 and one time out of your pocket verses$250,000+ in college education expenses, you can earn an absolute Fortune, WITHOUT HAVING TO DO ANY SELLING OR going back to school!
It just makes sense!
If you would like some very exciting information, contact me, Julie Williams ASAP!


Someone you know needs this!


I work with the ABSOLUTE BEST income opportunity in the world that teaches Financial Literacy!  BEFORE YOU JOIN ANYTHING ELSE - give me an opportunity to tell you why!

See how we are changing lives and giving new hope every single day!

For more information, click on the link "$18 Dollar Freedom" and watch the amazing 22 minute video on the main website.

Our family of partners / teammates are exploding this opportunity for all involved!  We are changing lives!

If you would love to work together as a team, with a true income solution to help you with your financial difficulties, contact me, Julie Williams ASAP!

#makemoney, #makemoneyonline, #home based business, #makemoney, #workfromhome, #FourCorners, #FourCornersAllianceGroup

Saturday, March 3, 2018


This is TRAGIC and HAPPENING SO MUCH MORE than most of us know! . . .

Senior citizens LOSING THEIR HOMES because they CANNOT PAY THE TAXES, like this 92 year old woman!


I don't know what her outcome was (or is).   I sincerely wish that I could personally help her.   Hopefully, I pray that someone out there reached out to help her, this year!   But what about next year and the year after that?

What's even sadder to me is that -  We do have a way to help save people in these very situations, that are so very easy!  This does not have to happen to anyone!

Please click down below to read her story and then please read further down the page to see how WE CAN HELP so many people in these situations!

CLICK HERE for story.

Someone you know needs this!

I work with the ABSOLUTE BEST income opportunity in the world that teaches Financial Literacy!  BEFORE YOU JOIN ANYTHING ELSE - give me an opportunity to tell you why!

See how we are changing lives and giving new hope every single day!

For more information, click on the link "$18 Dollar Freedom" and watch the amazing 22 minute video on the main website.

Our family of partners / teammates are exploding this opportunity for all involved!  We are changing lives!

If you would love to work together as a team, with a true income solution to help you with your financial difficulties, contact me, Julie Williams ASAP!

#makemoney, #makemoneyonline, #home based business, #makemoney, #workfromhome, #FourCorners, #FourCornersAllianceGroup

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Cheryl Holland Just Joined Four Corners Alliance Group!

3.5 Minute Video

I want to welcome and thank my newest partner and teammate with Four Corners Alliance Group today, February 2018! This awesome new friend and partner of mine shared her really awesome story of how literally broke she was down to her last $18 and had been praying to God for a way to make some money and she found my videos and postings on Facebook for $18 and after thoroughly investigating it and watching videos, she decided that she felt very, very good about joining up with me! With a daughter in college and helping to take care of her grandbabies, and some health issues, she really wanted to find a way to work from home, she needs the time freedom. What I loved also was her enthusiasm in her desire to wanting to make this year, 2018 her best year yet! As Cheryl put it, you have to look for something, then MAKE UP YOUR MIND and just DECIDE, and then GO DO IT! She was extremely impressed with what she saw they could be done with just $18 one time out of your pocket and a little effort! Needless to say, I am truly honored and grateful to have Cheryl as a new partner and look forward to doing some wonderful things together to help a lot of people in both our situations who need to increase our income with this little tiny $18 opportunity! As the Bible says, don't discount Small Beginnings! This $18 has the potential to turn into whatever you are willing to work for! Unlimited income! So if you're listening to this audio and if you have any need whatsoever to increase your income, I just wanted you to know the kind of people that we are working with. We are real and true people, becoming great friends and supporting each other with all of our financial situations with just a one-time $18 out of our pocket! We'd love to have you join the team so we can help you as well! Please help us out and share this post or audio on your page because someone you know might just click on this and listen to it in might want to join and they might be just forever grateful to you for sharing it with them! Thank you all and God bless and be sure that you reach out to me, Julie Williams or Cheryl Holloway on Facebook! I will also put the link to her Facebook page in the description below!


Someone you know needs this!


I work with the ABSOLUTE BEST income opportunity in the world that teaches Financial Literacy!  BEFORE YOU JOIN ANYTHING ELSE - give me an opportunity to tell you why!

See how we are changing lives and giving new hope every single day!

For more information, click on the link "$18 Dollar Freedom" and watch the amazing 22 minute video on the main website.

Our family of partners / teammates are exploding this opportunity for all involved!  We are changing lives!

If you would love to work together as a team, with a true income solution to help you with your financial difficulties, contact me, Julie Williams ASAP!

#makemoney, #makemoneyonline, #home based business, #makemoney, #workfromhome, #FourCorners, #FourCornersAllianceGroup

Cheryl Holloway Facebook -

Julie Williams Email: Facebook - Julie Williams - Facebook - PAGE - #4cag, #fourcorners, #fourcornersalliancegroup, #fourcornersreview, #4cornersreview, #workfromhome, #homebasedbusiness

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

DISABILITY INCOME With Four Corners Alliance Group

Hi this is Julie Williams and I'm going to talk to you today about disability income.

How many people do you know that are disabled or handicapped, struggling financially to survive?   

We all see people everyday in wheelchairs but there are many disabled that we are not able to see.  Some people have mental and emotional disabilities like depression, severe anxiety and PTSD.

Some people who do not understand it fear it because it's not something they can see physically. 

Some think that mental health issues mean you are insane or a danger or a threat of some kind.  People are afraid of what they don't understand.

From what you have heard from me so far from my various other recordings,  would you believe that I am one of those people who suffers from depression and general anxiety disorder?

Believe it or not, the anxiety and depression that I live with daily, makes it hard for me to keep a typical 8 to 5 job outside of my house.

In my lifetime, I have always been able to get, virtually, 95% - 98%, virtually almost every job I've ever applied for in my lifetime. 

Not only have I got quite an impressive track record for securing the virtually almost every job of ever applied for, in my lifetime, but, believe it or not I have also excelled in my job performance and winning most incentives and contests, 95% of the time even over, above and faster than other people who had been at their jobs for years and were literally 20-30 years younger than myself with basically, just 1-2 weeks of training for me, sometimes, even just a couple of days.

I have even had 2-3 job offers in one day.   And in my younger days, I was often offered almost every job I ever applied for right there on the spot.   

I have been seduced and wooed away, well rather attempted, by customers and clients for me to try to get me to go to work for this.

I share this with you only to let you know that with my level of fluctuating depression and chronic anxiety that I have had basically my entire life, it has been very challenging for me to stay in a job position longer than a few months.  This is why the ability to work for myself from home is essential to my financial and my emotional survival.

As I have mentioned in other recordings, I know people who do live with PTSD who also have problems keeping their jobs. Although these are mental and emotional handicaps, they are still disabilities that greatly impact Our Lives. 

Many health professionals and even Robin Roberts on Good Morning America, who is not a health professional common often comments about and refers to mental health issues and has stated how much more challenging it is to live with because again, the general public cannot see those disability on us immediately or as quickly as they can see someone physically disabled.

So, having said all that and now having shared all of my personal life with you, one of my greatest blessings in my life time is network marketing!   Network marketing provides the ability for me to earn an above average income and even great wealth if you're willing to work for it from home, protecting me from situations that could be difficult for me to work in publicly.

I know of one person who is a member of this company who's testimony is that he is paralyzed.  He could not speak for an entire year, but from what I understand he speaks now, but not very well.  But that is a powerful testimony that he has built quite well for himself from this $18 opportunity, on Facebook and his purchase a car and paid cash for it!

So if you know anyone who needs additional income, especially if they are disabled in any way, or living on a fixed income; maybe they're retired, . . . please share this opportunity with them.  

Help someone else while helping yourself.  And don't forget to connect with me. 

My contact information is below and please share this on Facebook and be sure to subscribe to my channel and listen to other audios that I have on here they might be helpful to you and thank you so much for letting me share this with you! 


Someone you know needs this!


I work with the ABSOLUTE BEST income opportunity in the world that teaches Financial Literacy!  BEFORE YOU JOIN ANYTHING ELSE - give me an opportunity to tell you why!

See how we are changing lives and giving new hope every single day!

For more information, click on the link "$18 Dollar Freedom" and watch the amazing 22 minute video on the main website.

Our family of partners / teammates are exploding this opportunity for all involved!  We are changing lives!

If you would love to work together as a team, with a true income solution to help you with your financial difficulties, contact me, Julie Williams ASAP!

#makemoney, #makemoneyonline, #home based business, #makemoney, #workfromhome, #FourCorners, #FourCornersAllianceGroup

Four Corners Alliance Group Is Alive And Well!

Are you one of those who thought that Four Corners Alliance Group died off?

Four Corners is alive and thriving, growing every single day!

As recently as just 6 weeks ago, I had someone who came in and literally brought in over 200 people within 30 days!   This also placed the same 200 people underneath someone else who joined me over a year ago and has never even once logged into his back office!   He has money growing for him and a huge downline and has NEVER done a thing!

I am personally very excited to have created various complimentary programs that will center around the Four Corners Alliance Group program.  These programs will help more people faster, especially those who don't want to do any recruiting or sponsoring.

All you have to do is search on Facebook to find many Facebook team groups with very current postings to see that they are in fact alive and still growing.

I decided to write this blog because so many people who contact me to rejoin the Four Corners Alliance Group tell me that they thought Four Corners was no longer in existence.

When Four Corners was first started about 5 years ago, many people joined and made some pretty good money, . . . (one that I know of earned enough to purchase a very nice 2,700 square foot house and all of its furnishings and a truck)  all was just a ONE-TIME $18 opportunity . . . and then left or moved on to focus on other businesses.

I know of another man, who I believe lives in Australia who was paralyzed from a gunshot and is working this business from his home (because of his disability) and posted online in his Facebook group - a picture of his brand new vehicle that he purchased (as a paraplegic) from this $18 opportunity!

But many people joined and never got the help from their sponsors or any kind of guidance and just never got it off the ground.

Many people have told me that they heard about four corners a few years ago and it's always been there in the back of their minds knowing that it is a fabulous program that they want to work but just didn't know how.

So I'm here to tell you that Four Corners Alliance Group is STILL HERE and THRIVING AROUND THE WORLD!

I've been doing network marketing for nearly 30 years now so I hope you will trust me when I tell you that there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING BETTER OUT THERE for SO LITTLE MONEY that - as the owner says, . . . "such a tiny little amount can make you rich!"

If you are interested in joining up with the Four Corners Alliance Group program for just $18 one time out of your pocket, contact me, Julie Williams, see the info below.


Someone you know needs this!


Take a quick look at our main website "$18 Dollar Freedom" and see how we are changing lives and giving new hope every single day!

I work with the ABSOLUTE BEST income opportunity in the world that teaches financial literacy!  BEFORE YOU JOIN ANYTHING ELSE - give me an opportunity to tell you why!

For more information, click on the link "$18 Dollar Freedom" and watch the amazing 6 minute video on the main website - and then contact me ASAP!

Our family of partners / teammates are exploding this opportunity for all involved! We are changing lives!

If you would love to work together as a team, with a true income solution to help you with your financial difficulties, contact me, Julie Williams ASAP!

#makemoney, #makemoneyonline, #home based business, #makemoney, #workfromhome, #FourCorners, #FourCornersAllianceGroup

Monday, February 26, 2018

Use - Template - Tax Benefits Of A Home-based Business


Someone you know needs this!


Take a quick look at our main website "$18 Dollar Freedom" and see how we are changing lives and giving new hope every single day!

I work with the ABSOLUTE BEST income opportunity in the world that teaches financial literacy!  BEFORE YOU JOIN ANYTHING ELSE - give me an opportunity to tell you why!

For more information, click on the link "$18 Dollar Freedom" and watch the amazing 6 minute video on the main website - and then contact me ASAP!

Our family of partners / teammates are exploding this opportunity for all involved! We are changing lives!

If you would love to work together as a team, with a true income solution to help you with your financial difficulties, contact me, Julie Williams ASAP!

#makemoney, #makemoneyonline, #home based business, #makemoney, #workfromhome, #FourCorners, #FourCornersAllianceGroup

Sunday, February 18, 2018


Network marketing has changed tremendously in the last few years, but especially in the last 20-30 years!

True network marketing is the most amazing, most phenomenal way to earn a very viable, legal and very lucrative income in a very fast period of time with literally less than a one-time-only cost of $20!

You have famous people like Richard Branson, multi-billionaire and Bill Gates and former presidents, movie stars and Superstar athletes who support this industry! 

Do you truly think that all of them would be supporting something that would be a scam or a pyramid scheme?

You are cheating yourself of a true blessing and miracle of wealth by limiting your knowledge and not taking the time to get to learn more about this phenomenal industry!

Believe me, network marketing has proven to be Lifesavers and answered prayer to so many countless people, including myself!

Stop cheating yourself and turning your back on something that you do not understand completely.  A true, real, legal network marketing company is a true business, but a different format, a different structure.  Quite frankly, much, much better than any other business structure or format out there!

And with the latest technology that improves every single day, over the past 10 years, wealth creation through network marketing has become insane in the most exciting and most profound ways!

I would absolutely love to take the time to teach you, educate you and help you to understand it and to begin to turn your life around financially, emotionally, mentally, and then every other way possible!

With my company, literally just a few hours a week and one time $18 can absolutely turn your life around within the next few months like nothing else you have ever seen!

Please check out my 15 minute YouTube audio that talks about scams and pyramids.  Be true to yourself, educate yourself, before you say no to something so powerful and life-changing!


Someone you know needs this!


Take a quick look at our main website "$18 Dollar Freedom" and see how we are changing lives and giving new hope every single day!

I work with the ABSOLUTE BEST income opportunity in the world that teaches financial literacy!  BEFORE YOU JOIN ANYTHING ELSE - give me an opportunity to tell you why!

For more information, click on the link "$18 Dollar Freedom" and watch the amazing 6 minute video on the main website - and then contact me ASAP!

Our family of partners / teammates are exploding this opportunity for all involved! We are changing lives!

If you would love to work together as a team, with a true income solution to help you with your financial difficulties, contact me, Julie Williams ASAP!

#makemoney, #makemoneyonline, #home based business, #makemoney, #workfromhome, #FourCorners, #FourCornersAllianceGroup

Saturday, February 17, 2018

We're Making Our Own Lottery!

How much money have you wasted on the lottery every week, every month, for how many years?

How much more are you going to blow this year?

You don't have to waste money on the lottery.  We are working together leveraging our money to earn a FABULOUS income.   You'll feel like you made your own lottery! 

With the typical Lottery system, just one person wins, but with our income system for just $18, many people win by earning a very lucrative income with just $18!

Stop throwing away money on a lottery that you'll never win, and create something where many people can win, all of your loved ones and friends for just $18 and not a penny more!

We are earning a "leveraged" income like the insurance companies and the banks have done forever, earning trillions of dollars, making them the richest industries in the world!

Someone you know needs this!


Take a quick look at our main website "$18 Dollar Freedom" and see how we are changing lives and giving new hope every single day!

I work with the ABSOLUTE BEST income opportunity in the world that teaches financial literacy!  BEFORE YOU JOIN ANYTHING ELSE - give me an opportunity to tell you why!

For more information, click on the link "$18 Dollar Freedom" and watch the amazing 6 minute video on the main website - and then contact me ASAP!

Our family of partners / teammates are exploding this opportunity for all involved! We are changing lives!

If you would love to work together as a team, with a true income solution to help you with your financial difficulties, contact me, Julie Williams ASAP!

#Lottery, #makemoney, #makemoneyonline, #home based business, #makemoney, #workfromhome, #FourCorners, #FourCornersAllianceGroup

Sticker Shock At The Grocery Store

I'm amazed at just about every time I go to the grocery store something that I have purchased maybe just 2-3 months ago has  shot up in price like, literally 35% - 50% higher!

Thursday, February 15, 2018

BILLIONAIRE Richard Branson talks about Network Marketing!!!

1 MINUTE VIDEO - Listen to this BILLIONAIRE praise the NWM industry! 


Someone you know needs this!


Take a quick look at our main website "$18 Dollar Freedom" and see how we are changing lives and giving new hope every single day!

I work with the ABSOLUTE BEST income opportunity in the world that teaches financial literacy!  BEFORE YOU JOIN ANYTHING ELSE - give me an opportunity to tell you why!

For more information, click on the link "$18 Dollar Freedom" and watch the amazing 6 minute video on the main website - and then contact me ASAP!

Our family of partners / teammates are exploding this opportunity for all involved! We are changing lives!

If you would love to work together as a team, with a true income solution to help you with your financial difficulties, contact me, Julie Williams ASAP!

#makemoney, #makemoneyonline, #home based business, #makemoney, #workfromhome, #FourCorners, #FourCornersAllianceGroup

#richardbranson, #wealth, #networkmarketing

Tony Robbins - Network Marketing

I LOVE how succinctly (in just 5 minutes) Tony Robbins states why Network Marketing is so AWESOME and WHY and HOW it's BETTER than your traditional businesses! 


Someone you know needs this!


Take a quick look at our main website "$18 Dollar Freedom" and see how we are changing lives and giving new hope every single day!

I work with the ABSOLUTE BEST income opportunity in the world that teaches financial literacy!  BEFORE YOU JOIN ANYTHING ELSE - give me an opportunity to tell you why!

For more information, click on the link "$18 Dollar Freedom" and watch the amazing 6 minute video on the main website - and then contact me ASAP!

Our family of partners / teammates are exploding this opportunity for all involved! We are changing lives!

If you would love to work together as a team, with a true income solution to help you with your financial difficulties, contact me, Julie Williams ASAP!

#makemoney, #makemoneyonline, #home based business, #makemoney, #workfromhome, #FourCorners, #FourCornersAllianceGroup

#tonyrobbins, #networkmarketing, #MLM

Real Income For Shy People

Do you need to earn a significant income?

Have you ever wished that you could work with a network marketing company but feel that you just don't have the personality, skills or knowledge that it takes to work with one?

I Suck At Life

I love my business that I started for just $18! Besides making money, it has so many other wonderful life changing side effects and benefits!